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USAF Fact Sheet 95-03

USAF Fact Sheet 95-03


Air Force Office of Special Investigations


To Identify, exploit and neutralize criminal, terrorist and intelligence threats to the Air Force, Department of Defense and U.S. Government.

The world's best investigative agency ... serving the greatest air and space force.

Service - Leaders exist to serve the Airmen under their command. A commander's goal should be to do something to benefit the personnel at the "tip of the spear" every day.

Ownership - When something is genuinely "ours" we feel more of a responsibility toward it. That's why it's important for members of the organization to own a piece of it. We should get involved in the inner workings of the organization, and we should take pride in it.

OSI family - If we view ourselves as part of a family, we're more inclined to look out for one another than if we're just sharing the same office or tent space. Members of the organization will have a vested interest in the success of all colleagues, because in a family the success of the whole is often dependent on the success of the individual.

Never quit - Perseverance is always key. The sea of life can get pretty rough sometimes, but the important thing is not to let it throw us off course.

AFOSI Priorities

AFOSI has five command priorities, they are:

· Develop and retain a force capable of meeting Air Force needs
· Detect and provide early warning of worldwide threats to the Air Force
· Identify and resolve crime that threatens Air Force readiness or good order and discipline
· Combat threats to information systems